Join us at a Parent & Family University Kickoff Tour session near you! Find an event and register HERE

PSSA information for families is coming soon.  Testing dates are as follows:

ELA (all grades): April 22-24

Math (all grades) April 29-30

Science (grade 8 only) May 1-2


Main Menu:

Have a wonderful Wagner Day!

I hope this message finds you in great spirits!

As we embark on the second half of our school year, we want to encourage our families to #FinishStrong. Before you know it we will be wrapping up the 24-25 school year.  How will you end the year?  Will you accomplish your goals, create new ones, set a course of action that has a positive impact on both the current school year and your life beyond middle school?  We certainly hope so!

Wagner has a bevy of academic and social emotional supports that stand ready to support scholars and families who are experiencing challenges, along with many opportunities to celebrate the wins necessary for scholars to experience academic success. Please never hesitate to reach out if we can be of service to you.

The Middle Years space is a unique space, full of change, shift and often uncertainty. Perfection is never the goal, but a daily solid effort is!  We want our scholars to make the best of their time with us, and families your active support is essential if they are to do so.  We KNOW that our scholars have greatness within, and we cannot wait to see them shine.


Principal Grier



At Wagner, we work to create an environment that fosters the academic, social, and emotional well-being of the whole child. Our community encourages and challenges our students to be self-confident, exhibit resilience, and become empathetic agents of change in their community and beyond.

Wagner Middle School in partnership with our families, partners, and greater community, strives to develop a commitment to active learning and citizenship fueled by engaging instructional practices and preparation for high school and post-secondary success. As we believe #OptionsAreNOTOptional, this preparation includes equitable access to college and careers.


The Wagner Way

Wagner Middle School is located in the West Oak Lane section of Philadelphia and serves over 500 children in 6th through 8th grade.
We are a caring school community that is on the rise.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column]


Remember, our school day is from 7:30am to 2:34pm

Please see our Bell Schedule HERE

School Plan
To view Wagner’s 2023-2024 School Plan and to leave your feedback, please click HERE.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

“Attention families: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that a school with certain exceptions obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, a school may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the school to the contrary in accordance with school district procedures.

Parents who wish to opt their students out of directory information releases must complete an Opt-Out Form for each of their students, and must return each form to the school at which each student is enrolled by December 13, 2024.

Find more information, including the forms you need HERE


How swiftly the first quarter has flown by!!

We are closing in on Winter recess, and while everyone (scholars and staff included…lol) looks forward to the break, it is also a time when our scholars are on our minds and we wonder how they are faring outside of their routines. We wish you a joyous Winter Break, and look forward to seeing our scholars on Wednesday January 3, 2024!!

Currently, we are in the midst of STAR Testing (ask your scholars how that is going for them) excursions and award assemblies (PBIS, Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, College Trips, Museum Trips) and more!

As we move forward into quarter two, I wanted to take the opportunity to welcome you, either by attending our Community Cafes (our next one is this Wednesday, December 15th at 10 AM) or by emailing me (email at the bottom of this webpage) to engage with the Wagner community and share ideas about things you would like to help us to create space for.

We have an exciting event, #TheTRADESAtWagner happening on Saturday December 16th from 9 AM-12 PM. It is an opportunity for our middle school scholars to have HANDS ON access to the building trades!  We are so excited!

Continue to encourage greatness in your scholar. We are honored to be in service to them and will continue to support them as they navigate the often bumpy middle school road

Have a wonderful week!
Principal Grier

Wagner Points of Pride

  • Donate over $4,000 annually to local charities.
  • Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk
  • Active performing arts club
  • Competitive sports teams
  • State of the art Culinary Suite with an active After School Culinary Arts Club
  • Active partnership with GEAR UP which supports our middle school scholars with having increased High School/post secondary exposure
  • Multiple After School clubs